Trick or Treat: Investing in Innovation During a Recession
In times of recession, fear can loom large, especially when it comes to investing in innovation. However, rather than succumbing to the urge to slash innovation budgets, it’s essential to adopt a strategic approach to investment in innovation.
Data Governance, The One to Rule Them All
Almost every company strives to become a data driven business. To succeed with the transformation the company’s leadership will need to juggle many data management elements. That’s why we recommend to start with Data Governance function and take a systems thinking approach while embarking on the transformational journey.
Making New Year Resolutions – a Leader’s Approach
Are you, as a leader, going to make your resolutions for 2022? How do you set goals for the next year? Here are four key domains we suggest you consider while making new year resolutions, if you want to become a better leader and grow professionally and personally.
5 Hallmarks of an Innovative Organisation
People in organisations like to talk about innovation and every other company has innovation among its main values. But how to recognise a truly innovative company? These 5 criteria will help you.
‘Be cruel only to be kind’: 3 game-changing moves to elevate your team’s performance
‘Be cruel only to be kind’: 3 game-changing moves to elevate your team’s performance Dr. Alexandra Rogacheva Marta Marjan “I must be cruel only to be kind ” Hamlet, William Shakespeare The pace of innovation and disruption was high even before the pandemic, which only accelerated it further. How do you build teams that are […]
Bright Future – Are you ready for the Great Reset? (Part 1)
Increasing wealth disparity, broken financial system, public trust lost – is this the path to the Great Reset?